【No problem!】How to use Love hotels

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I’ll tell you how to use Love hotels for the first time

There are the experience for the first time, right? In case of using hotels in Japan, for exmple, you think…

“how to enter?”

“When to pay?”

“how to choose a room?”

“what is the fee of hotels?”

So, in this article, I’ll tell you how to use love hotels in Japan without difficulty!

First…what you should know

In order to use hotels, I’ll tell you what you should know!

Where Love Hotels are

An area or section tends to be dotted with Love hotels.

Tendency, for example,

・residential section in city area

・near gates of a highway

・important stations for transfer

Then, I express concretely. For example,

・Near Juso station in Osaka…cheaper and crowded

・Taiyuuji town in Osaka…more expensive but beautiful

・Near Namba station in Osaka…You can both cheap and expensive hotels

・Shinkobe, Sannomiya in Kobe…Hotels are in residential section. You can use hotels at the type of service time for cheap

These are famous area that there are many love hotels。You can go easily, and use with no difficulty.

And, Each area has unique points, so It’s enjoyable to think where to go.

How are people who use hotels?

Various!! Student, married couple, adulterous husbands and wives…..

In reality, students tend to use love hotels in Juso, and married couples and adulterous husbands and wives use love hotels in Shinkobe or Sannomiya. However, You don’t have to worry. many and various people use love hotels in each area.


You often see “1H 1980円均一” “サービスタイム3500円~” “宿泊5980円~”

What do these words mean?? I explain next.

There are 3 using types

There are 3 types,「休憩/Short time use」「サービスタイム(フリータイム)/Long time use」、「Stay」.

〇Short time use…You can stay for about 1h to 90 min.

〇Long time use…You can stay for about 3h to 18h!! For example, “Hotel Chou” offers Long time use service, you can stay for maximum time of 18h!

〇Stay…There is no different between Love hotels and other type of hotels. Average check in time is about P.M 8. If you check in hotels over A.M 0, hotels usually offer using type,”Stay”.

You can choose 3 types as you.

And, there are other using types, for example,「ショートステイ/short stay」「ロングステイ/long stay」「short time use in mid night」.Short stay and short time using mean the same, and Long stay and Long time using mean the same.

Short time use in mid night means that you can use hotels for short time in mid night.

Hotels in urban area often offer.


2 fee types…”all rooms are same fee or not”

You can see “fee is all 3990 yen” “fee is 4000 yen~”

What is the different?

〇”fee is all ~yen”…It means you can use all rooms for the same fee.

There is often no class of room. Using any using types, you can use all rooms for the same fee.

〇”fee is …yen~”…it means fee changes in proportion to  room classes.

In proportion to room class, area or beauty of rooms change. An most expensive room has a swimming pool in the room…….how beautiful it is…! (I haven’t stayed such a room, so I wanna stay)

Showed fee is for one room! That means fee is for two persons.

When you want to know the fee for one person, divide it by two.

However, if you use for one person, the fee is for one room fee.

And, if you use for 3 persons, the fee is 1.5 times of one room fee.

Example:If you use the room for 6000yen,

〇use for one person…divide 6000 yen by 1…..the fee is 6000 yen

〇use for 2 persons…divide 6000 yen by 2….the fee is 3000 yen for one person

〇use for 3 persons…6000 yen×1.5 divide by 3….the fee is 3000 yen for one person


However, you don’t always have to follow that rule.When you use hotels which offer the plan for business or ladies, you can pay for more little fee.

If you want to know more, Search in the official websites.

Amenities in rooms

Kinds of amenities are not often different between love hotels and other type of hotels.

There are….

TV, DVD player,refrigerator, electric kettle, humidfier
Dryer, tooth brush, Shampoo, conditioner, body soap, skin lotion, sponge
contraceptive device, tissue, etc…. 

However, differently from other type of hotels, TV tends to be bigger and love hotels tend to lend hair iron, water server and bath additives. So, it will be comfortable to stay. 

And there is a menu which shows items you can borrow for free and break fast items.

Let’s Go!~teach you with pictures~


In the outside of love hotels, you can’t see inside of it.

So, you may not know how to enter. The door opens automatically, so you go to the door.

How to choose rooms

panel in order to choose rooms

This picture shows the panel in order to choose a room.

There are a panel in the your left. You can choose a room in it.

After you choose a room, Go to the front.

How to do in the front


This picture shows the entrance of “Fine Garden Juso.”

Can you see the front in your left? Normally, You don’t see staff because curtain is between us and staffs.

The staff says, “Which type would you like to use?”. So, tell her which type you use.

And, if you have a coupon, show the staff it when you check-in.

How to pay

You usually have to pay before entering a room. After paying, you can get the key.

If you are said that you have to pay after using a room, pay when you check-out.

Recently, the number of hotels which has an service of using credit cards are increasing,. However, also, there are many hotel which don’t have such a service. So, I recommend you have cash!!!

By the way, there is a type of paying in the room.


This is a fare adjustment machine!!

Before checking-out, pay for the fee. You often can use credit cards.



This is the room in “Hotel Clio” in Shinkaichi, Kobe, Hyogo prefecture.

There is a bed in the center of the room. That is so beautiful!!

Each rooms of Love hotels usually have double beds.

There are always TV, sofas and tables. You can watch the movie because there is the DVD player.

Books shows food menu, So, You don’t worry about what to eat.

Some rooms in Some Love Hotels have a water server, Karaoke and other services.

bath room

This is a bath room of a room in “JUKEBOX” in Kobe.

You often don’t see a bathroom two person take easily.

There are amenities, Shampoo, conditioner, body soap and sponge.

If you don’t have amenities in order to take a bath, don’t worry. There are enough amenities to take a bath.

Check out


When you check-out, tell the staff that you want to check out using phones in the room.

The number you use is written near the phone.

When you have plastic bottles of water or food, go to the front and pay for the items after calling.



Have you understand how to use Love Hotels??
When you have understood it, you are good!!!

Let’s use love hotels!!!!!

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